All Donors

Shmuel Koren US $101
So proud of you Hillel.
Roey Kohanim US $185.4
Nathan Kashizadeh US $101
Tizku L’Mitzvot & good luck!
Zia Tal & Zio Ruben US $26
Love you Hillel!!!
Kousha And Bazmeh Liviem US $37.08
So proud of you!
Josh Aziz US $10
Good job Hillel!!
Raphael Nassimiha US $185.4
Great Job Hillel!
Anonymous Sponsor US $51.5
Doron Cohen US $185.4
Kol Ahkavod Hillel !!!!!!
Family Miller US $123.6
We are so proud of you and can't wait for your visit!
Alec Namdar US $26.78
Mike Liuim US $26.78
Keep it up Hillel!
Anonymous Sponsor US $37.08
Jordan Cohen US $51.5
Morris Heskia US $180
for the return of all the hostages
Moti & Sharon Cohen US $101
Kol Hakavod Hillel!
Anonymous Sponsor US $103
Jacob Cohen US $185.4
In honor of Hillel!
Ziv Cohen US $36
Hillel you’re a champ !
Isaac Aryeh US $72
Adam Aziz US $53.56