All Donors

Dorie Wolff US $10.3
Anonymous Sponsor US $10.3
In honor of Rena! So proud of you!!! :)
Farhad US $180.00
We are very proud of her
Abby Goldberg US $10.00
Meira Levitin US $18
Go Rena!
Yosef Shaliyehsabou US $50
Rivka Israeli US $26.00
In honor of the best night club!!! Keep up the great work Rena!!!
Yitzchak US $50
Best of luck on the challenge!!
Alex Shatz US $101
Ava Rapkin US $15
So proud of rena!!
Orit Shatz US $118
Go Rena!
Nechama Rosenberg US $36.00
Go Rena!!!!! ;)
Aviva Hakimi US $36
Baroch And Yehudit Laleh US $36
Anonymous Sponsor US $18.54
Massoud Rooshanshad US $101.00
Good luck
Gavriel And Sarah Shaliehsabou US $36
Keep up the great work!
Maria Rastegarmehr US $53.56
Nick Diamond US $100
Bill Heyman US $51.5
Devorah Gross US $100
Go Rena!! Can't wait to see you race!!
Betzalel Shatz US $18.00
Anonymous Sponsor US $18.00
Go Rena!!
Avner And Elina Shotz US $36
Go Rena! Tzku lemitzvot
Sarah Goldstein US $103
As a Zechus for a Refuah Shelayma for Elchanan Isaak ben Sorah Tova
Yehonatan Shaliehsabou US $18
Amira Newmam US $42.00
Anonymous Sponsor US $10.3
Go Rena! Wishing you much success!
Tamar Zelcer US $18
Elchonon Pheterson US $37.08
Anonymous Sponsor US $5
Rona Lavian US $18.54
ARIEL Shatz US $175.1
Rena Shatz US $45.00
Anonymous Sponsor US $180.00
Lena Roshanshad US $50.00
Good luck
Janet Kaplan US $18.54
Anonymous Sponsor US $37.08