All Donors
Imma And Dad
US $515
We wish you the best of luck on this run . We love you !
Yael Schulman
US $180
US $515
Best of luck on your run! Love
Michelle And David Shteingart
US $37.08
Run Andy Run!
Melissa And Gershon Klein
US $50.00
Good Luck Andy!
Morah Cindy
US $5.15
So proud of you
Neil And Annette Shachter
US $103
!תזכה למצוות
Anonymous Sponsor
US $50
Sheila And Martin Orshan
US $25.00
Laurie & Chaim Greenberg
US $37.08
Good luck Andy!!
Aud Sommer
US $51.5
Kick it Andy! You’re fast!
US $37.08
Yasher Koach!!!!!
Saba And Gramma Lois
US $103
Lot’s of luck!
US $37.08
Run like the wind Andy!
Evan & Orly Shapiro
US $36
Keep up the great work Andy!
Anonymous Sponsor
US $5
Wachtel Family
US $37.08
Good luck!
Rabbi Wolk
US $18
Good Shabbos!
Will M.
US $37.08
Good luck!
Jeffrey Gheorge
US $66.95
Donnie Rudansky
US $180
Yosef Wolf
US $18
Stephanie And Perry Friedman
US $100
What a great cause. Am yisroel chai !
Hyla And Stuart Levine
US $206
Run run run!
Dennis Plaksin
US $100
Gabriel Bershadsky
US $185.4
Anonymous Sponsor
US $250
Alex Sansky
US $25.00
Elana Betaharon
US $37.08
Carl Koenig
US $25.00
Stan Orwasher
US $100.00
Daniel O.
US $103
You got this!! Mazel Tov!
Foti Family
US $37.08
Salit Family
Good luck on your run!